My Third Autistic Memory
My Third Autistic MemoryI’m autistic, so all of my memories are autistic memories. But in this case I’m talking about times when my behavior showed an especially high number or intensity of behaviors associated with autism. Enough that, looking back on it today, I...
Asperger Syndrome: a rose by a problematic name
A look at Hans Asperger and the syndrome which bears his name. Is the term “Asperger Syndrome” still useful?
Autism and Masking: why there is no easy answer
What is masking? And why do autistic people do it if it doesn’t work and causes them harm?
Diversity, Divergence, and Empathy
What can we learn about diversity, divergence, and empathy from the tallest man in recorded history?
What is an Accommodation?
Many people need to re-think exactly what an accommodation is.
Autism and the Art of Communication
How to talk with someone who is autistic, or who you suspect may be autistic. Hint: it’s really not that difficult.