If you need help now

Being autistic is often hard.  Being autistic is often painful.  The things you are going through are real, even though nobody around you seems to understand.

The things that you are going through are not your fault.  You are not defective or inferior or broken.  There are people who can help you.  There are people who want to help you.  You deserve to be helped.  You are worth the effort.

If you are thinking about hurting yourself or ending your life


Suicide is the second most common cause of death among autistic adults.  The suicide rate among autistic adults may be as much as eight times higher than the rate in non-autistic adults.

Before you do anything, consider reaching out to one of the following resources:

In the United States: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline or The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline​.

For other countries, please visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention or see this list of resources from Psychology Today.

If you are the victim of sexual abuse or assault


About 90% of autistic women have been the victim of sexual abuse or sexual assult.  This is roughly four times higher than the rate in the non-autistic population.

If you are experiencing sexual abuse or assult, please contact one of the following resources:

In the United States: the National Sexual Assault Hotline.

For other countries: Women Against Violence Europe or see this list of hotlines in other countries.

If you are a vicitim of domestic abuse


Autistic adults are more likely to be the victim of domestic or partner abuse than non-autistic adults.

If you are the victim of domestic or partner abuse, please contact one of the following resources:

In the United States: the National Domestic Violence Hotline

For other countries: please see this list of international domestic violence resources


Get In Touch

Full disclosure:  I am autistic.  I have ADHD.  And I have a job, a family, and other obligations.

  • Being autistic means I have a limited capacity for social interactions.
  • Having ADHD means I have a “to do” list that is at least 12 feet long and is constantly growing.  And the world is full of distractions.
  • Having other obligations means I have limited time available.

Writing a personal response to an email requires a perfect alignment of social energy, focus, and available time.  That doesn’t come around as often as I might like.

Which is to say that I welcome your comments and questions.  But you may not get a timely response.  Or any response.  Or you may get a form letter.  Please don’t be upset or offended.  My capacity is limited, but my ambition is unbounded.  I will read whatever you send.  And who knows?  Perhaps the planets will align and you will hear from me directly and promptly.

Please feel free to leave a message using the form below, or email me at [email protected].

A GIF showing the orbits of Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars around the Sun.

This GIF was created by Datumizer and is used under a Creative Commons license.  Details available at Wikimedia Commons.